One time my best friend told me that she was going out with another friend that I knew. She hadnt even told her parents because she probably was afraid that her parents wouldnt let her go out. I thought it was so sweet because she was my best friend and the guy that she was going out with was a nice guy and they really matched. I was really happy for her. But she told me not to tell anyone because she didnt want everyone to know and tease them. So I promised that I wouldnt tell anyone. I kept my promise, of course, but somehow people started figuring it out. Even her mom, eventually, found out about it but thankfully she didnt stop my friend or punish her. It is really weird how so many people figure it out. But when people start knowing the secret, the person who told you might start being suspicious and not trust you anymore. At those times I told her that I never told her secret to anyone and that I have completely no idea of how people knew. Since we are best friends she trusted me. In the end, people did try to make them spend more time together and try to set up dates for them. But it wasnt in a mean way, so that was a good thing. They had a good relationship without any fights or conflicts between them.
I think that this secret showed that I can keep secrets. Although it was tempting to tell someone I resisted. I didnt want to let my best friend down so I promised myself that I wouldnt spill her secret out. Honestly I have told a secret at least once to someone else but when I am dedicated, I can be really stern about it. It is hard to keep a secret sometimes because people keep on trying to get some information about the secret and somehow persuade you to tell them. So I think that we should be more careful about who we tell because there is a possibility that they will tell everyone your secret without caring and ruin our relationship between the person you got the secret from.
I think that this secret showed that I can keep secrets. Although it was tempting to tell someone I resisted. I didnt want to let my best friend down so I promised myself that I wouldnt spill her secret out. Honestly I have told a secret at least once to someone else but when I am dedicated, I can be really stern about it. It is hard to keep a secret sometimes because people keep on trying to get some information about the secret and somehow persuade you to tell them. So I think that we should be more careful about who we tell because there is a possibility that they will tell everyone your secret without caring and ruin our relationship between the person you got the secret from.
Well... Thanks for leaving a comment on mine. Even though I already wrote three comments, heck, I'll just write another.
Well, I think I know who you're talking about, and I think I know what it feels lik to be in that situation.
Because those things just happen, and when it does and people find out when you're supposed to be the only one to know, it's kind of hard not to suspect. Well, things happen, good to hear that you're over it. I was originally going down alphabetically on the list in the HUB, but then again, I'm trying to leave comment to whoever leaves comments on me. So thanks for checking mine out, and it was an interesting blog you had. Cya..Got to finish my SIPSFEO essay
haha its really funny
i wonder who it was~! was it in the states??
im not really good at keeping secrets but i think you are a good secret keeper
i know that you know a lot about me and you could post something about me haha
but this wasnt my story
well, thanx for the secret!!!
Yo chrisy. After reading this it made me wonder, am i a good secret keeper? But when i asked myself that question, i said heck, i dont care about secrets. I dont even need to be tempted. So i figured im a good secret keeper too. It's good to know that your an awesome secret keeper. I wonder who that girl and boy was. who was it??? lol jk. c u =].
Now, Thats couagous. If any of my friends ever saw that I posted a blog about when they were going out w/ someone...I might not be here today ;) But really, thats a hard secret to keep, and that was really nice to make sure that you were keeping you friend's secret. OK, now I know who to give personal secrets.
Caleb J.
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